Two Informatics Management students from the Information Technology Department of Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije), Arizka Zidha Aulia and Naufal Tsaqif, received scholarships from the Jiangsu Government, China. They conducted learning activities at the Changzhou Institute of Mechatronic Technology (CZIMT).

They received the scholarship on the recommendation of a lecturer from China. The requirements for getting the scholarship include being active during lectures, and having achievements in competitions.

They learned many things at CZIMT such as learning Mandarin and developing a lot of learning about informatics. Later they will study there for one year starting from October 2023 to August 2024.

According to Arizka, this opportunity that does not come for the second time is very enjoyable and can make an insightful experience for her.

“It’s very fun, we have more relationships like international students from various other countries,” said Arizka.

Arizka continued, they were taught about Chinese culture which in fact is lecture material.

“We were also given opportunities for self-development. Like I was given the opportunity to take part in a writing competition for international students in a government cultural event,” Arizka continued.

There are several other activities to support student creativity, such as festivals for international classes who are given the opportunity to show the original culture of their respective countries.

“Fortunately, students from Indonesia, in this case Polije students, won first place for the best performance,” said Arizka.

It is hoped that there will be more beneficiaries of this kind of scholarship for experience to support and improve for students. (ang/hnf)