UPT cooperation PKKWU and S4C
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Student Counseling: Student Counseling Workshop and Training to Improve Stakeholder Competence in Identifying Problems and Providing Assistance to Bridge Their Solutions
One of The main task of higher education is to produce graduates who are competent knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are in line with the needs of the business world and the industrial world. To produce competent human resources, it must also be supported with honest, tough, caring and noble character.
In the process learning requires a curriculum that refers to the IQF and is in line with industrial needs, completeness of infrastructure learning and the creation of an educational and social atmosphere an important part that cannot be left out. Information technology development very rapidly, one side will be a support in accelerating achievement learning objectives and on the other hand will have a positive impact on the academically and socially, both personally and communally.
Impact social problems or problems experienced by students so as not to affect the stages of the learning process and the impact of achievement the quality of student competence, it requires a mentoring process that optimally, so that every problem can be solved and resolved properly.
In academic implementation system, the Guardian Lecturer team has determined which has the duty to assist, provide consultation and become bridge solving problems that occur so as not to interfere with the process learning. So that the duties, roles and functions of the Guardian Lecturer and related parties can be implemented optimally, it is necessary to have a standard competence for the Guardian Lecturer team to be able to carry out their duties and functions maximally. In this regard, for 2 days on Thursday and Friday (25-26/2) UPT Career Development and Entrepreneurship (UPT PKKWU) holding Student Counseling workshops and training for 90 participants consisting of stakeholders at the Department level in the environment Jember State Polytechnic (Polije).

Facilitated training by the S4C (Skills for Competitiveness) program presents seven speakers who is a psychologist from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Jember coordinated by Istiqomah, S.Psi., M.Psi, Psychologist.

On the first day, the following materials were presented: the role of the Guardian Lecturer for develop students’ independence in solving academic problems as well as active listening as a basic skill in providing academic counseling for students. While on the second day, the material was presented: active listening exercises and feedback as well as case studies and discussions.

According to the Head of UPT PKKWU, Dr. Dhanang Eka Putra, SP, M.Sc, this training aims to improve Lecturer Guardian skills to seek information and identify problems students and able to provide direction. “It is hoped that the Guardian Lecturers and stakeholders in the study program and department levels are able to identify student problems and are able to provide a solution,” he explained.

Still according to him, this training too able to increase knowledge related to psychological problems that require more attention and professional help.
Meanwhile, according to the Deputy Director Student Affairs Wahyu Kurnia Dewanto, S.Kom, MT, in the digital era of access information that is getting faster and can penetrate space and time, large or large small will have an impact on the academic process or social and psychological impacts on students. The role of the Guardian Lecturer and all Stakeholders are very strategic to be a bridge to solving problems.
“We hope that the Guardian Lecturers and Stakeholders in study programs and departments can play a maximum role as companion and a place to consult for students on any problems potentially interfere with the learning process,” he said.
workshops and This online training was attended by 90 participants consisting of elements: Head of Department, Secretary of Department, Chairperson Study Program, Final Project Coordinator and Field Work Practice Coordinator This implementation is centered on the 3rd floor of the Postgraduate Building.
To be more empowered useful and effective, this training can involve all Guardian Lecturers because as the vanguard in providing assistance and consultation to students so that academic and social problems can be solved properly and able to provide motivation so that the learning process can be achieved and After graduating, they are able to contribute to accelerated development and fill the needs of human resources in the business world and the industrial world.
Expected Polije leaders schedule follow-up and form a counseling team that not only aimed at students, but can be for all academic community.