Food Industry Technology Study Program
Food Industry Technology Study Program is a diploma 3program. The study program focuses on food industry courses which enable the students to have core competencies in the field of food industry technology such as: the process of handling raw materials and processing and preservation of food products. During the three-year study, the students will experience two different atmospheres: lecturing classes which are indoor activities and practicum classes which are indoor and outdoor activities. State Polytechnic of Jember applies such combined activities for five semesters – in this semester, the students also work on and finish their final projects. In the 6th (sixth) semester of this study program, the students conduct internship program in the relevant companies. Having completed the courses and the other requirements of the graduation,the graduates in this study program are able to master technical and managerial skills in processing of food product from the raw materials become delicious, healthy and nutritious food and drink. By having such competencies, the graduate is able to work independently and professionally as an enterpreneur in the field of food and beverage product processing, professional staff in food and beverage processing company, livestock product processing company and fishery processing company. This study program is for the senior high school graduates who have learnt physics, chemistry and mathematics.
The Vision
Becoming vocational education that prepare the professional, competent and competitive students with the Indonesian characteristics and develop the applied technology in the field food industry.
The Mission
- Providing vocational education to prepare professional, competent and competitive associate degree graduates of food industry who are able to meet the needs in national and international level.
- Conducting aplication oriented-education program so that the graduate is able to execute the theories into their activities at the workplace.
- Educating students with leadership, professionalism, , critical and analytical thinking, entrepreneurship and global issues.
- Conducting applied research in accordance to the needs of industry and society.
- Conducting community service based on the result of the applied research and establishing partnerships based on the principiles of mutualism.
- Establishing and maintaining the cooperation with the identical study program in Indonesia and overseas
The Objective
- Preparing the graduates as an expert in the field of handling and processing of food processing.
- Preparing professional, independent and competitive graduates in the field of Food Industry Technology.
- Establishing information network of public services, business and industry of applied technology in food industry.
- Applying innovative applied research to the lecturing process and the development of food processing industry.
- Applying the result of the research and the development of technology of food industry to the society, enterprises, industry and other relevant industries.
- Cooperating with the relevant industries in the field of handling and processing of food products.
Certificate Number
Previous Certificate
The core competencies of the associate degree graduates of this study program is that the student is able to apply the principles of food science into the system of food selection, food characterization, food analysis, post-harvest processing technology, food processing and preservation technology, food packaging technology, quality contro in food industry, food industry sanitation, food industry waste management, food distribution, the management of food industry and enterpreneurship.
- Food Analysis Laboratory.
- Bioscience Laboratory.
- Computer Laboratory.
- Food Processing Laboratory.
In Indonesia
- PT. Mitra Tani 27 Jember
- Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Propensi Jawa Timur
- PT. Inti Luhur Fuja Abadi (ILUFA), Pasuruan
- Kantor Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Bondowoso
- PT. Maya Muncar, Banyuwangi
- Kantor Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Pamekasan
- Kantor Bagian Perekonomian Kabupaten Jember
In Foreign Countries
- RMUTT (Raja Manggala University of Technology Thanyabury) Thailand
- Kyungpuk University, Korea selatan
- Nortrumbia University, England
- Human Akademic