Poultry Business Management Study Program
Poultry Business Management Study Program is a Diploma 4 program, focuses on animal husbandry, especially on the poultry business. The study program offers courses that enable the students to learn production management, human resources, post-harvest handling, business plan and marketing. The learning process in this study program offers two different atmospheres: lecturing classes which are indoor activities and practicum classes which are conducted in laboratory and open field. The study program applies such combined activities for 7 (seven) semesters – it includes the finishing of final project which is one of the requirements for the completion study in State Polytechnic of Jember. In the 8th (eigth) semester, the students conduct internship program in the relevant companies which is also one of requirements for the completion of the study in State Polytechnic of Jember. Completing the study process, the graduates may attach the title of bachelor of applied science (S.ST) Having completed the courses, the students in this study program are able to master managerial skill in the field of poultry business management as professional staff and entrepreneur. This study program is for the senior high school level graduates who have learned biology, mathematics and chemistry.
The Vision
Be a leading Poultry Agribusiness Vocational Education Center at the ASEAN level by 2022
The Mission
- Organizing a professional poultry agribusiness vocational education program.
- Organizing education that leads to the development of softskills for the formation of graduates with character.
- Educating students to have a strong and competitive entrepreneurial spirit.
- Conducting applied research and community service in related to poultry in accordance with the needs of industry and society.
- Expanding national and international cooperation.
The Objective
- Providing professional and competitive graduate (Bachelor of Applied Sciences) in the field of poultry agribusiness.
- Providing graduates who master, technical skills and quality management of poultry agribusiness: planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating and developing poultry agribusiness systems
- Providing graduates who think independently, critically, analytically, professionally in the poultry business.
- Providing graduates who are able to produce innovative products as a result of applied research and collaboration with industry in the relevant poultry and animal husbandry fields.

Certificate Number
Previous Certificate
- The graduate is able to apply the expertise in the field of poultry and utilize science and technology in the field of animal husbandry in solving problems and being able to adapt to the situation.
- The graduate is able to master the theoretical concepts in the field of the poultry and able to formulate the solution of procedural problems.
- The graduate is able to take the right decisions based on analysis of information and data, and able to provide instructions in choosing various alternative solutions independently and in groups.
- The graduate is able to be responsible for their own work and can be given responsibility for the achievement of the work of the poultry organization.
- Bioscience Laboratory
- Bioscience Laboratory
- Livestock production and field Laboratory
- Poultry Housing System
- Computer Laboratory
- Animal Food Nutrition Laboratory
In Indonesia
- CV. Prima Sejahtera, Kediri
- Jurusan/Program Studi Peternakan pada Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Lampung, Payakumbuh, Kupang, dan Pangkep
- PT. Jogja Farm
- PT. QL Trimitra Cianjur
- PT. Ciomas Adisatwa Region Bali
- PT. Dinamika Megatama Citra
- PT. Primatama Karya Persada, Jatim
- PT. Sinar Sarana Sentosa, Malang
- PT. Jatinom, Blitar
- PT. Prospek Mitra Lestari
- PT. Pesona Ternak Gemilang Kediri
- PT Prana Food Sukses Manfaat (Darbe Group)
- PT. Wonokoyo Group
- PT. Satwa Utama Raya
- PT. Charoen Phokphand Indonesia, Tbk
- RPA Kraton Indonesia
- RPA. Phalosari Unggul Jaya
- Kaponan Farm, Magelang
In Foreign Countries
RMUTT (Raja Manggala University of Technology Thanyabury) Thailand