Health Information Management
This four-year program of health information management provides the student with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage the IT-based health information required for patient care and administration. The entry requirements of the program are senior high school graduate in every major and having knowledge about Mathematics. In teaching learning process, the students also participate in both lecturing class and practicum class. In addition to this program, the students work on the final project in the 7thsemester and conduct internships in the last semester. After completing the program, the graduates deserve title: Bachelor of Applied Science, known as Sarjana Sains Terapan (S.ST.). Besides, it means that the graduates have ability to manage medical record and IT-based health information. Therefore, the graduate is eligible to be the professional employee in government institution or company, in the health industries and community health center.
The Vision
Becoming a center of vocational education institution in the field of Medical Record and Health Information Management in the ASIA level in 2025
The Mission
- Providing and developing quality, innovative, and competitive of vocational education in in the field of Medical Record and health information management
- Conducting applied research of Medical Record and health information management in order to contribute to the development of science and technology
- Conducting community service of Medical Record and health information management in order to give advantage for the development of science and technology
- To develop professional cooperation in the field of Medical Record and health information management nationally and globally
The Objective
The educational objectives of the Diploma Four Medical Record Study Program at the Jember State Polytechnic are:
- Medical Record graduates are capable of defining the disease codes and treatments precisely based on International Classification about diseases Expected skills such as:
- Medical Record graduates are capable of defining the disease codes and treatments precisely based on International Classification about diseases
- Medical Record graduates are capable of managing the available resources in the medical record unit
- Medical Record graduates are capable of using health information to produce information and precise forecast as the source of planning and decision making in the field of health service.
- Medical Record graduates are capable of managing, planning, implementing, evaluating, and assessing the quality of health information system.
- Medical Record graduates are capable to improve innovation and creativity in the field of medical
- Increasing the quantity and quality of research in the field of Medical Record and Health Information Management
- Increasing the quantity and quality of community service in the field of Medical Record and Health Information Management
- Developing a cooperation with local and overseas institutions in the field of Medical Record and Health Information Management

LAM-PTKes Certificate Number
Previous Certificate
Graduate Profile
- Manager of Medical Record Unit: Medical Record graduates are capable of managing the resources available in the medical record unit
- Health information manager: Medical Record graduates are capable of using health information to produce information and precise forecast as the source of planning and decision making in the field of health service.
- Clinical Coding Auditor: Medical Record graduates are capable of defining the disease codes and treatments precisely based on International Classification about diseases.
- Health information system analyst: Medical Record graduates are capable of managing, planning, implementing, evaluating, and assessing the quality of health information system.
- Clinical researcher in the field of medical record and health information management: Medical Record graduates are capable to conduct research in the field of medical record and health information management.
- Entrepeneur in the field of health :Medical Record graduates are capable to improve innovation and creativity in the field of medical