Management of Agroindustry Study Program


Management of Agroindustry is one of Diploma 4 programs in State Polytechnic of Jember. This study program provides courses during 4 years (8 semesters) in managementof finance and capital, production systems, human resources and marketing. The learning process of this study program has students attend in lecturing classes and practicum classes both in laboratory and in the field during seven semesters. In the end of the semester, the students of this study program conduct internship program in the relevant companies and work on the final project. After completing all courses, conducting internship program and finishing final project the graduates will earn a Bachelor of Applied Science (S.ST.) and expected to master technical and managerial skills as a motivator and an innovator in the field of agro-industries and financial institutions (banks). By having these competencies, the graduates of this study program are eligible to be managers, agroindustry entrepreneurs, agro-industry system analysis, consultants and facilitators of agroindustry, staff of finance and banking, and staff of government institution. The candidates of the students that can register to this study program are the graduates of senior high school or the graduates of vocational school who has fair-level of mathematics skills.

The Vision

Becoming a competitive vocational study program of management of agroindustry in ASEAN level in 2025.

The Mission

    1. Performing qualified and innovative vocational education in the field of applied science of agroindustry management based on KKNI
    2. Developing science and technology in the field of agroindustries management by conducting applied research and community service in order to be competitive study program in national or international level.
    3. Cooperating with relevant industries and education institution in regional, national and international level.
    4. Organizing managerial education system based on the principles of transparency and accountability.

The Objective

    1. Becoming bachelor of applied science graduates by having solid philosophy principles and developing personality.
    2. The graduate is able to have in-depth knowledge and skills as a manager of industry.
    3. The graduate is able to arrange, organize, evaluate, and develop agroindustry system and technology of innovation media.
    4. The graduate is able to indentify and evaluate business opportunities and manage the job based on the principles of leadership.
    5. The graduate is able to apply management principles into agroindustry job.


Certificate Number

Previous Certificate


The core competencies of graduates are the main point of the curriculum in study program. Accordingly, after completing the study, the graduate is expected to be: enterprenuer of agroindustry, manager of agroindustry, the analyst of agroindustry system, and the consultant of agroindustry and oprerational officer.
Furhter, those competencies are described as follow:

      1. The graduate is able to apply enterprenuer principles.
      2. The graduate is able to arrange, operate and develop creative and inovative agroindustry enterprise and also to create additional value in agroindustry enterprise environmentally friendly.
      3. The graduate is able to indentify, manage the risk and optimize the opportunities in agroindustry in the future.
      4. The graduate is able to build production system efficienly and effectively;
      5. the graduate is able to manage input, human resources, capital to improve the efficiency in operating agroindustry system.
      6. The graduate is able to apply managerial principles on agroindustry activities.


    1. Computer laboratory
    2. Entrepreneurship laboratory
    3. Business Communication laboratory


    1. PT.Sosro
    2. BPPTH Ketindan
    3. PT. Kampung Cokelat
    4. PT. Benih Citra Asia
    5. PT. Dua Kelinci