Seed Production Study Program
Seed production study program is a diploma 4 program. It focuses on the seed production which lead the students to the following competencies: plant breeding, genetic manipulation, the principal of seed technology, the production of horticulture crop seed, the production of food crop seed, the production of plantation crop seed, post-harvest technology, seed processing, pest and disease of germination, quality analysis, seed certification and management system of seed industry. During four-year study, the students will experience two different atmospheres: lecturing classes which are indoor activities and practicum classes which are indoor and outdoor activities. The study program applies such combined activities for 7 (seven) semesters – it includes the finishing of final project which is one of the requirements for the completion study in State Polytechnic of Jember. In the 8th (eighth) semester, the students conduct internship program in the relevant companies which is also one of requirements for the completion of the study in State Polytechnic of Jember. Completing the study process, the graduates may attach the title of bachelor of applied science (S.ST) The completed students in this study program are able to overcome any issues deal with germination, seed production, processing technique, packaging technique to the marketing. By mastering mentioned competencies, the graduates are qualified to be part of profesionall staff in The Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, research institution, State-Owned Enterprises, agriculture company. In addition, the study program prepares the graduates to be a professional entrepreneur in the field of seed production. This study program is for the senior high school level graduates who have interest in learning seed production. In addition, the study program allows the senior high school graduates of any major to be part of this study program.
The Vision
Be the center of competitive vocational education in the field of plant seeding in ASEAN in 2025.
The Mission
- Conducting competitive vocational education to train the students to meet the following characters: qualified, professional, critical, analytic. In addition, the students are trained to be a leader, professional entrepreneur and aware to the global issue, especially plant seeding.
- Conducting competitive research and developing applied science and technology in the field of plant seeding.
- Conducting community services deal with agriculture and meet the needs of the societies.
- Expanding the network in the field of plant seeding in the national and international level.
The Objective
- To train the students to:
- Master the concept of entrepreneurship focusing on seeding by providing learnings of entrepreneurship, seed industry management, germination and seed production and other courses that enable the students to be competitive professional entrepreneur in the field of seeding production.
- Master precise cultivation technique in producing plant seed. This enable the students take part in the filed project in producing seed in the future. In addition, this equips the students to be a professional supervisor in the field of seed production.
- Be communicative students that the students can work in team in the future. Being communicative equips the students to be counselor or consultant who deliver information deals with agricultural issue and seed production.
- Developing research which involve both lecturers and students in order to disseminate the results of the research to answer the societies issues.
- Increasing the intensity of community services and expanding the area the implementation of the community services
- To train the students to:
Certificate Number
Previous Certificate
- The graduate is able to apply the principal of plant breeding
- The graduate is able to apply technical skills in producing skill.
- The graduate is able to process seed appropriately.
- The graduate is able toprocess certification and control seed quality.
- The graduate is able to manage seed industry.
- The graduate is able to execute the plant issue.
- The graduate is able to be professional counselor and consultant in the field of seed production.
- The graduate is able to be professional independent entrepreneur in the field of seed production.
- The graduate is able to develop local technology into competitive technology.
- The graduate is able to identify problem arose in the society and solve every problem.
- The graduate is able to apply the up-dated information technology deals with seed production.
- The graduate is able to plan, analyze, and evaluate.
- The graduate is able to operate the machine of seed processing.
- Experimental Field Laboratory
- Agricultural Data Analysis.
- Field
- PT. SATP Jakarta
- PT. Java Internasional Co. (Pestisida) Mojokerto
- Job Placement Center (JPC) Politeknik Negeri Jember
- PT. West Seed Indonesia
- PT. Adytia Sentosa Agro, Malang
- PT. SATP Jakarta
- PT. Benih Citra Asia
- PT. Nashiene Seed
- CV. Sari Tani Seed
- PT. Leads Intera Visvera
- PT. Bisi Internasional Tbk
- PT. Jogja Horti Lestari
- PT. Dupont Pioneer Malang
- PT. Jagung Hibrida Sulawesi