Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije) through the Language Academic Development Unit (UPA), held a TOEIC Workshop and Certification for Vocational School English Teachers on Wednesday (18/9). The event was held at the Polije Vocational Auditorium with the aim of providing training as well as TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) certification for vocational school English teachers in Jember Regency.

The event was officially opened by the Vice Director for Planning, Collaboration, and Information Systems of Polije, Agung Wahyono, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D. In his remarks, Agung Wahyono said that this workshop was the first time held by Polije to support the improvement of the competence of SMK teachers, especially in English, through TOEIC certification. This certification is one of the important steps to improve the competitiveness of educators in facing global challenges.

“This is the first TOEIC workshop and certification aimed at SMK teachers in Jember Regency. We are very proud that Polije has now become an International Test Center partner that meets international standards. As an official provider, Polije can now serve the implementation of internationally recognized TOEIC tests and certifications, not only for SMK teachers, but also for the public in need,” said Agung Wahyono.

Furthermore, Agung Wahyono explained that Polije is the only TOEIC test center in Jember, and is the third testing center in East Java, having previously been established in Malang and Surabaya. With the existence of Polije as a test center, it is hoped that more participants from various circles, including lecturers and students, will be able to access TOEIC certification without having to go outside the region.

“We hope that this collaboration between the International Test Center and UPA Bahasa Polije can provide wider services to various parties. Not only for Polije lecturers who need TOEIC certification for academic or professional purposes, but also for Polije students who want to continue their studies abroad or are involved in international programs such as IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards),” he added.

According to him, this program is very important especially for those who plan to continue their studies abroad, where TOEIC is often one of the administrative requirements. Programs such as IISMA, organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, are one example where TOEIC certification is required as a condition of acceptance.

During the event, participants received intensive material on preparation for TOEIC given by the teaching team from UPA Bahasa Polije. This workshop includes various tips and strategies for taking the TOEIC test effectively, such as how to understand listening to comprehension, reading comprehension, and an introduction to the types of questions that often appear in the TOEIC test. Not only that, but participants were also invited to practice these strategies directly through test simulations.

This workshop event is not only beneficial for SMK teachers, but also opens wider opportunities for the public who are interested in improving their English skills through TOEIC certification. This certification is very important in the current era of globalization, where the ability to speak English is one of the main qualifications in the world of work and education.

In closing, Polije provided a special opportunity for participants to take the TOEIC test for free facilitated by UPA Bahasa Polije. This facility was welcomed by the participants who felt very helpful in getting TOEIC certification without the need to pay additional fees.

With this activity, it is hoped that more educators and the public will be able to improve their English language skills and obtain widely recognized international certifications. Polije continues to be committed to becoming an international standard academic development center, especially in the field of language, to prepare human resources that are competitive at the global level. (rda)