Official Logo

Polije symbol is a curved pentagon with a sky blue base color with 2 (two) black and white borders in which there are

  • A white pen
  • Black horns
  • Green tobacco leaves
  • 9 (nine) symbols of yellow rice grains arranged in to a peak
  • 5 (five) red gears

Those symbols mean:

  • The curved pentagon represents the Pancasila Value (Indonesian Ideology)
  • The blue colors indicates in-depths knowledge and wisdom in Polije Education System
  • The white pen shows educational, scientific, and religious education
  • The black horns signify strength and honor academic values
  • The green tobacco leaves indicate the superiority of agricultural commodities
  • The 9 (nine) yellow rice grains mean excellence, prosperity, and perfection
  • The 5 (five) red gears show that State Polytechnic of Jember always develops the relevant and industrial-based science and technology.

Commercial Logo

The commercial logo is derived from the thumbs up gesture which is a representation of the word SIP (Smart, Innovative, Professional). Four fingers in the form of a line that move to the right and form a globesymbolizing Polije that is superior, advanced and globally competitive. The thumb is in red color which forms “J” as the initials letter of Jember – It is the city where Polije is located

The symbols has the following meanings:

  • The thumb is in red color which forms “J” as the initials letter of Jember – It is the city where Polije is located
  • The green index finger means cooperation
  • The yellow middle finger means innovation
  • The black ring finger means technology
  • The blue little finger means superior
Logo branding