Surabaya, August 29, 2024 – Another achievement was made by Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije) students. This time, Andriana Praptika, a student of the Food Industry Technology Study Program, Department of Agricultural Technology, successfully passed the selection and will take part in the 2024 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program. Andriana will continue her studies for one semester at Institut Polytechnique UnilaSalle, France.

Andriana Praptika was selected as one of the many outstanding students who get the opportunity to study abroad through the IISMA program. This program is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) which aims to improve international insights, expand networks, and hone the academic and non-academic skills of Indonesian students at world-leading universities.

On this occasion, Andriana expressed her gratitude and pride for the opportunity given. “This is a dream come true. I hope to bring the good name of Polije and Indonesia, and gain experience that will be useful for my future, IISMA has been a truly enriching experience. I’ve not only gained valuable academic knowledge but also developed essential life skills. Living in a foreign country has taught me to be independent, adaptable, and open-minded. I’ve had the opportunity to make lifelong friends from around the globe and explore the beautiful landscapes of France. I’m incredibly grateful for the memories and experiences I’ve gained through IISMA” she said.

Vice Director for Cooperation of Polije, Agung Wahyono, Ph.D., also expressed his appreciation to Andriana. “Andriana’s success in participating in the IISMA program is clear evidence that Polije students can compete at the international level. We hope that Andriana can make the most of this opportunity to expand her knowledge and skills.

The IISMA 2024 program is a golden opportunity for Andriana to explore knowledge in the field of Food Technology at one of the leading institutions in France. By attending lectures at Institut Polytechnique UnilaSalle, Andriana is expected to bring new experiences and insights that can be applied in the development of food technology in Indonesia.

Andriana Praptika’s departure to France is scheduled for early September 2024, and she will undergo a study program for one full semester until early 2025.

Polije continues to support and encourage its students to actively participate in international programs that can enrich their experience and make a positive contribution to their academic and professional development. (rda)