Jember – To enhance international experience and broaden academic insight, four Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije) students successfully passed the selection to take part in the Exchange Scholarship Fall Semester program at PUH, Osaka, Japan. 

They are Farihatul Jannah from Agricultural Engineering, Umi Kulsum from Renewable Energy Engineering, Lucky Fajar Irawan from Renewable Energy Engineering, and M. Baqir Mohammadi from Renewable Energy Engineering.

The four students are scheduled to leave for Japan this week and will undergo a one-semester student exchange program at PUH. This program provides opportunities for students to study various disciplines and Japanese culture, as well as expand international networks that support the improvement of the quality of Polije education.

“This program is part of Polije’s efforts to continue to encourage its students to engage in international programs and increase their global competence,” said Vice Director for Collaboration, Agung Wahyono, Ph.D.

With enthusiasm, the students expressed their readiness to embark on this academic journey abroad. Lucky Fajar Irawan, one of the participants, expressed, “This is a golden opportunity to learn in an international environment and we are ready to absorb as much knowledge and experience there as possible.”

Before the departure of the four Polije students, they received a briefing from the Polije International Affairs Office to be given character strengthening, delivery of messages from the Vice Director for Collaboration to continue to maintain the good name of Polije and Indonesian as their pride and be serious in undergoing the program.

Their flight to Osaka will be the first step towards self-development and strengthening Polije’s position as an educational institution that is increasingly recognized internationally. (rda)