To realize Polije’s vision and mission to become an outstanding polytechnic in Asia in 2035, Polije collaborated with foreign partners, Switzerland at the initiation of Swisscontact’s Skill for Competitiveness (S4C).

The signing of the cooperation (MoU) between Polije and Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agriculture, Forest, and Food Sciences (BFH-HAFL) Switzerland was held on Tuesday (13/2) at Polije and at the BFH-HAFL campus online via Zoom Meeting. Both parties simultaneously signed this memorandum of understanding (MoU).

“We would like to thank S4C for being our cooperation partner for two periods and bridging the cooperation between Polije and BFH,” quoted the remarks of the Director of Polije, Mr. Saiful Anwar, STP, MP.

Furthermore, the Director of Polije conveyed that this cooperation initiation is expected to be able to increase the competence of Polije and become a means of actualization through collaborative research or joint research between the two parties.

The scope of cooperation between Polije and BFH-HAFL, among others, is related to joint research which will be carried out jointly between researchers or lecturers and by students of both campuses.

Daniel Weibel, Program Manager of S4C also said that this collaboration would be one of Polije’s efforts to achieve the goals and vision of Polije to become a Superior Polytechnic in the Asian region in 2035.

From BFH-HAFL side, which was attended directly by the Director of School of Agriculture, Forest, and Food Sciences (HAFL), Bern University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ute Seeling, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eugster as the Head of the Departement of Food Science and Management, and Sven Naegeli as the research assistant specialist on Food Science.
Prof. Dr. Ute Seeling said that this collaboration would be a collaboration between Polije and Bern to be able to conduct joint research in the field of food sciences.

“In the future, hopefully there will be more research in the field of food sciences that can benefit both parties,” said Prof. Dr. Ute Seeling. (ang/vig/hnf)