Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije) sent several students abroad. This time Polije sent its students to Japan to conduct a student exchange program. They conducted student exchange activities at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan from 27 September 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Polije sent four students to Japan, namely Marchanda Wahyu C., Tiara Satya H., Yaressa Vaskah S., who are students of the Agricultural Engineering Study Program class of 2021, and Helmi Baharuddin S., who is a student of the Renewable Energy Engineering Study Program class of 2021.

According to Marchanda Wahyu, they received information about the Autumn PUH Exchange Program from the Head of Study Programs. In addition, they also received several requirements to be able to join the program.

“Initially, there were many students who registered for the Autumn PUH Exchange Program. But only four students fulfilled the requirements,” said Marchanda Wahyu.

At the Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan, they learnt about a predetermined topic on environmental gases and atmosphere as well as chemical fluids. In addition, they were taught about agriculture. They did hands-on practice in the campus laboratory.

“It is hoped that our activities and research in Japan can be applied in our homeland, so that it can benefit everyone,” continued Marchanda Wahyu.

According to the Coordinator of International Cooperation Affairs, Vigo Dewangga, S.S, M.Pd., confirmed that there were four Polije students who participated in the Autumn PUH Exchange Program for the next six months,

“The participation of Polije students is the students who have extraordinary achievements. Because the MoU with the Prefectural University of Hiroshima Japan is an MoU that can be said to be new but there has been direct application and implementation with the participation of Polije students in the program,” said Vigo Dewangga, S.S, M.Pd.

In addition, it is hoped that the four students who are in Japan now can introduce Polije so that Polije’s vision will be achieved, namely Becoming an outstanding Polytechnic in Asia in 2035. (hnf/ang/vig)