New Student Admission

Politeknik Negeri Jember is a higher education focuses on vocational education. Its education program offers graduates of senior high school (SMA), vocational high school (SMK), or islamic high school (MA) who have intend to get the career prospect in global industry

Politeknik Negeri Jember opens registrationfor all prospective senior and vocational high school students to enroll as new students. They will be trained and educatedto be mid-level professional worker and independent entrepreneur.

The selection process for the new prospective Politeknik Negeri Jember studentsis held through these tests: PMDK-PA(Interest and aptitude test based on academic and non-academic achievement), SNMPN (National Admission Test for State Polytechnic), SNMPTN (the national selection for state university), SBMPN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Politeknik Negeri), SBMPTN (joint entrance test for state universities), PMDK Prima, dan UM POLIJE (Independent selection is stipulated by State Polytechnic of Jember).

The PMDK-PAand SNMPN selection is based on the assessment for a prospective student’s administration completion and evaluation on his academic and non-academic achievements This off line test focuses on the students’ report with good academic and non-academic achievement from grades 10 to 12. The SBMPN and UM POLIJE is an admission selection test based on written test that is held simulteanously.

For the detailed information can be accessed in:
  • Website :
  • Email :
  • Twitter : @humaspolije
  • Instagram : @humaspolije
  • Facebook : Politeknik Negeri Jember
  • Youtube : POLIJE SIP

For the detailed information about the students admission can be contacted:

Telp : 0331-333532; 333533; 338441; 338442 Office hours : 08.00 s/d 15.00 WIB

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